It’s hard to find the words to sum up how sad we are at the passing of David Bowie today. Needless to say that alongside Andy Warhol he has been a major inspiration to the way we see and do things at Form® – as all the talented designers who have passed through our doors will vouch.
He occupied a space that few could even touch and made his life an art form that continues to inspire us in the studio. Paul wrote a blog on the 35th anniversary of “Heroes” back in 2012 and as we were talking about his influence today, we thought it would be fitting to upload some of our favourite spreads of a book we created for Mick Rock called “Blood+Glitter” for Rankin’s Vision On Publishing in 2001. We met Mick at the Dazed & Confused offices to talk about how he saw the books journey, and we agreed on a semi-chronological story about Glam (the precursors and the effects), before meeting up again in New York for a 5 day collaboration. It was an amazing experience listening to Mick talking about the great and the good of the glam lifestyle and needless to say Bowie was always the epicentre as his spider-chart shows.
The book is crammed with astonishing moments in Rock’n’Roll time from Lou Reed and Transformer, Iggy’s Raw Power, The Rocky Horror Picture Show to name but a few. We thought we’d show a number of our favourite spreads featuring the Starman himself.
David Bowie – Often imitated, never equalled.